& Skin Surgery Center, PC
Mole Removal
Why Are Moles Removed?
If your dermatologist suggests that you have a mole removed it is because he is concerned
that it may be an atypical mole or cancerous. The mole is then removed and sent to a
laboratory to be evaluated by a pathologist for proper diagnosis.
How Are Moles Removed?
Often small skin cancers or precancerous lesions need no more than the biopsy that removes the growth from the skin. Sometimes stitches are required to close up the opening where the mole was located.
Other removal methods include:
Shave Biopsy: A thin blade is used to shave a piece of the lesion or the entire lesion, leaving a small superficial wound which heals on its own.
Excision: Your dermatologist can remove a mole by cutting (or excising) the tissue along with a surrounding margin of healthy skin, and using sutures to close the wound.
What Happens After a Mole has been Removed?
After removal of a mole, your dermatologist will evaluate and send it to the lab for testing. After proper evaluation and analysis by a pathologist, appropriate treatment steps will be made. You may return to the dermatology clinic for stitch removal, and if necessary, schedule treatment and future evaluation plans.